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Welcome to the Impound

It's where bad cars congregate for Jenny.

We are here for one central purpose: the discussion of Jenny Nicholson and all happenings related to her life. Originating from 8ch's /tv/, moving on to our own board, and then having a brief stint on Julay World, we've now got /jenny/ its very own site. All relevant discussion can be found on the main board, with the possibility of more boards for the other Jennyverse girls if ever there is enough demand. The secondary board is /meta/, which is there to communicate with the administration and for anybody who wishes to advertise their own imageboards. Advertisements put on /jenny/ will be deleted. We've also got ourselves a nicely curated wiki that is worth the attention.

"Be cool." - Jenny

Annual tvch Awards — by Lotso at 01/13/25 (Mon) 14:21:46

Gentlemen and Bailey, our parent site of tvch is currently holding a poll towards its annual awards show. Do give it a gander: https://tvch.moe/tv/res/346910.html

That Time of Year — by Lotso at 12/24/24 (Tue) 22:40:34

Merry Christmas and a Happy Yule. Hopefully some of you actually have somewhere to be with loved ones. If not, blame Bailey. Somehow it's her fault.

Year 33 — by Lotso at 09/06/24 (Fri) 18:52:25

Happy Birthday, Jen! Good luck remembering to do those main channel videos you promised! Don't forget you only have maybe seven years left to get married and have at least one healthy child.

Hey Reddit! — by Lotso at 08/05/24 (Mon) 22:11:27

Hello frens. Welcome to the site. If you're reading this, don't be upset with us. We're only what Jenny made us to be.

Seasons Greetings — by Lotso at 12/24/23 (Sun) 07:22:50

Merry Christmas and a Happy Yule. Soon the year will be over. Jenny will totally remember to upload something to her channel again. Totally. We might even get two videos. Wow, the anticipation.

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