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A Bailey is fine, too.
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Welcome to /jenny/, a board dedicated to Youtube reviewer, pony expert, and tvch's first officially elected queen: Jenny Nicholson.


1. Issues and (you) farming belong in >>>/meta/. Threads or certain posts can and will be deleted for being off-topic. If you want to advertise your board, please do so on /meta/.
2. Generals are set to cap at 500 posts. Once that happens, literally anyone can make the new general. Don't feel the need to wait for it to happen. Effort into the OP would be preferable.
3. Non-Jenny waifuposting can be welcomed so long as it's somebody related to the Jenny universe. Bailey, Sky, Kat, even Ellis, so long as it's within reason. If there's ever any sort of real demand for it, alternative boards may be granted for such persons.
4. This isn't a SFW board, but it isn't smut central either. Apply spoilers and please control yourselves with shock imagery.
5. Nothing illegal. Ebinly trolling with cannibalistic or overly violent posts will be considered spam and removed, obviously.
6. Jenny, Bailey, etc., if any of you should come back to chat, we'd love to see a timestamp so we know who we're talking to.


- Jenny -

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Jenny fights back against ai by cropping her head out of photos! meanwhile, is postponing the release of her patreon videos a new method of gaining patrons?
answers to this question and more to come!
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The ramble wasn't enough. I'm jonesing so hard for Jenny content that now Youtube is recommending me Sarah videos. Jen pls.


Man, Jenny ain’t shit compared to all the actual fucked up women (and people in general) out there.

She’s a warm cinnabon bun of a person, practically a fucking Pokémon turned into a person.


As in like a drowsy or one of those child-abducting lamp things?


Asked ChatGPT if she’ll ever date me…

Shooting your shot, huh? 😆 Well, unless you personally know Jenny Nicholson and have built some kind of real connection, the odds are… let’s just say, not in your favor.

But hey, anything's possible in this wild world! If you vibe with her interests (theme parks, ponies, Star Wars, obscure fandom deep dives) and somehow cross paths, who knows? In the meantime, focus on being your best self—because whether it’s Jenny or someone else, that’s what really attracts the right people.


Ah okay thanks Max.

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 No.32465[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

AI Jenny is the Future Edition

So let's be real here, irl Jenny is hitting the end of what she has to offer. The solution? AI Jenny. The real question from here on out is, how do we make AI Jenny real?
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Mean mean mean Jenny is gonna make me sub to the Patreon just to get this month’s ramble


We all know how stingy she is with her content and how cheap when it doesn't concern ebay plushies or theme park vacations. She's going to milk that $2 out of every poor sap she can!


Two posts left to the thread. Somebody's gonna have to pass the hot potato.


Be sure to share on Kemono kind anon!


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 No.8641[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Wow nice!
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jenny's responsible for this isn't she.


Literally 1984.


Someone keep an eye on that cause if it passes we gotta nuke this thread!


Feds ain't shit, yo. We bad cars. We ride hard.


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Dear AI anon, you do incredible work and you give so much to this community but is there any way we can get Preggo Jenny naked too?

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 No.31904[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

as our wife turns 30 again we receive more pics, poses, and 30 second videos than in all the last year combined.
is this a sign of good things to come? find out here!
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I swear her Twitter-idiot fans do this to just stroke her ego. Hardly anybody watches these things, and the people who say they do basically do it to housework or to fall asleep to. She has long since stopped being entertaining.


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Very hard to prompt for, I would need to install a couple of tools to really dial it in (always a delicate balance with Comfy).

>nothing would look more unnatural than a Jenny doing a sexy face
The ironic shielding is going to be near insurmountable to overcome, but I'm already jealous of first guy who gets through.

>Evermore video. 1,489 votes in first place
What am I missing with Evermore here? Nothing there is interesting enough to spend six or seven hours in total talking about it. To me, it's just some guy that dreamed big about creating a theme park and failed. Did I miss something somewhere where he was an interesting person outside of his theme park failure or that his boring half-park had any potential worth discussing?

I don't get it…

Has she tried not being sad? It's not that hard Bailes!


If I was her manager, I'd have her take the top three options she personally liked best and make videos on the main channel for them.


Maybe >>32457 was right but the first one is tantalizingly close - I definitely see some 'want' in her eyes


>dreamed big about creating a theme park and failed
I think it's become overlooked - or at least by me since I don't watch any of her shit any more - that this an essential factor in her original appeal was her negativity. Her bullying, shadenfreud and delighting in failure. This was the same as why people liked plinkett, riffing on, mocking, dunking roasting etc. But jenny was meek and put her barbs inside tricky words that you had to double-take that she was being nasty. That was her gimmick at the start. So even though she grew her fanbase to include thumbsucking dumb 'nice' dorks who like soothing burbled nothings, the nastiness is her old audience's crack and probably still a big appeal to her fag audience too (sassy/cattiness)

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Welcome! This thread is for sharing various Jenny media for personal archival purposes. Links provided should be unaffiliated links (don't try to profit off of Jenny's content, guys!) and encoded with base64 (to avoid links getting scraped).

So… to open, here is a folder with her Twitch streams:
*Remember; decode with base64decode.org

At time of posting this of not all of her streams, but I can upload the rest if requested.
Jenny, if you have a problem with your streams being shared here, let me know and I'll remove them immediately.
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Anyone have the Magic Beyond Words: A JK Rowling Story ramble?



Any links to Bailey’s patreon content? It’s not on kemono :(


I use to be on her Patreon to share links, dipped out after a bit. Maybe I'll go back.


Just give Bailey a dollar! She's so poor!

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 No.31330[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

New Thread Edition
Alternatively, Don't Go To Furry Cons Edition

Bedbugs, amirite? At least it wasn't an STD.
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I've been "joking" and saying she was gay for years, in fact, at one point (I think when Kat was living with her), I was wondering why she didn't just come out. She has almost no straight friends, there's that hardcore, deep-seated misandry and being gay/bi in LA is very trendy these days (see: Bailey).

Honestly, if she really was gay though I'm almost certain she would say. Those are free points on social media.

You swing like a girl, Jenny!


>33 years old


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I think there are obvious reasons she might not come out if she were gay/bi, and it's the same reason she wouldn't say she's in a relationship even if it's with a dude. Lots of lost pay pig bucks if the illusion of the girlfriend simulator is broken.

I do think Kate being Jenny's girlfriend is a real possibility, but the biggest argument against it if it were true is why hasn't Jenny moved Kate out to LA to live with her if they were together. She could easily afford to pay for Kate's living expenses, and I think its a think in lesbian relationships to move in together quickly. Kate and Jenny went to evermore for the first time over 3 years ago, so why not move in together yet? Its the biggest reason I have doubt about this being real, even if its funny to meme about.


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>She's totally never even kissed a man.
That is almost certainly not true


>girlfriend simulator
That kinda ended with her getting off her bed. Now she has her "streamer, but not" desk setup, which is incredibly boring and lame. There's so little "personality" for her to actually impart on that frame. Aaanyway… I don't know if an SO reveal would damage her image enough to put a dent in her earnings with that 50/50 split she's has in her fans/demo, but it would certainly destroy her "World's Dumbest Baby" image for good.
<Regular Sex/Girlfriend Jenny
Can that even be cute? What the hell would we all even be watching at that point!?

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 No.30743[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Jenny Nicholson 39,832
Jenny at the helm of success blasts off with almost 40,000 patrons, a number thats climbing every day since the release of her star wars star cruiser review. A shocking success after over a year of silence on her channel.
what will ultra-fame bring Jenny? find out soon!
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Next ramble; Jenny cries as she opens and sorts out her suitcase.


Bailey is right now giving her pov of the story


So they were apparently asking for the hotel's legal department while they were still at the hotel and the hotel didn't have the contact info (not surprising, I do customer service and legal requests have to go through official legal channels, not the frontline customer service). There apparently was also a stabbing at the hotel while they were there.


time for new thread


I will save Bailey.

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 No.30173[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

15 months since the last video, post a rare jenny that rarely gets posted.
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Jenny would never $25,000 on something she thinks Disney should have given her for free.


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I wanna say she bought a cheaper droid but i dont know anymore. wasnt the one she bought 600$ or something



No you can see the droid she bought in the video, it's not R2D2, it's that grey one


New thread soon.


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New thread has been started, lets close this one out with Jenny looking heckin cute!

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 No.29557[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

The urge to tighten that corset is very enticing. Too loose, Bailey. You need to commit to the bit. Where the hell are the costume designers.
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jenny having a secret life is entirely on the table now, as the life she currently lives IS a secret life, she keeps it hidden from us now!
>I can't even stomach this bitch for 15 seconds now
I thought you were just being mean but this is insane, she went on for 3 minutes about the poll nonsense.
"i noticed people are co-ordinating the poll to get a tie and make me do two topics, this isnt how i intended it to work so i might disallow this from now on"
thats all she had to say.


Beyond Sky and Bailey, who does Jenny know anymore?


> Either that or stir up some kind of downfall for jenny

Been there, done that, doesn't really pan out, all of Jenny's inner youtube circle has been cancelled at one point or another but somehow none of it rubs off on her.

> I am happy for anyone who stops an unhealthy obsession with Jenny and/or has something better going on in their lives.

I recently reached that point, passed the anger phase the other guys in now and now I forget she exists for around a week, then remember and come here to see if she did anything noteworthy during that time, and the answer is always no.

I think Jenny not making any youtube vids for 18 months is a great detox for everyone, the rambles being posted messes with that but I stopped watching those years ago, they're so boring most times.


>I wonder who got her the rose squishmellow?
We know who buys squishmellows for Jenny though - Jenny. She's never had an issue with buying herself presents


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Speaking of squishmellows, Ellis popped out her second child and I don't see aunty Jenny around offering up one of her precious stuffed toys!

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