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File: 1648344064564.png (70.53 KB, 593x478, 593:478, image_2022-03-26_211624.png) ImgOps iqdb

f639b No.19592[View All]

Oh My God Who Fucking Cares Edition

Seriously, who fucking cares? Imagine being such an empty person that your sexuality is the only notable thing about you. Imagine getting this upset that somebody doesn't care to acknowledge your made-up social issue. Jenny doesn't care, doesn't need to care, and shouldn't even have to address this toddler bullshit.
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1f1f0 No.20116

It’s weird that Jenny recently saw Sonic and Fantastic Beasts and didn’t have some long Twitter thread about them sucking. Has she gotten too lazy for even that or were they too good for her to complain about?

24787 No.20117

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She had kind of a Jenny Slate thing going on. /baileyboard

48d94 No.20118

shes saving it for easy patreon content maybe

65db5 No.20119

whatever happened to the barbie video?

c4c18 No.20120

It ended up on the large pile of unfinished projects, at least for now

13431 No.20121

I think it is more "in storage". It feels like this project is 2/3rds done and she could finish it up when nothing else is coming up. But between Star Wars Land, Evermore and Jenny's Eurotrip it won't get much attention. If we are lucky it'll be a "filler" video while she works on her Efteling footage.
I just realize how low the bar for her release schedule is. The Barbie video REALLY should be no more than 3 months after the Galactic Starcruiser video which is due… any day now.

c4c18 No.20122

Since it's tax season I am pretty curious how things work for Jenny. We know she likes to write off things she uses for her videos but how much content would she need to create to count as a content creator for the IRS? Does her patreon videos count?

If we have any badcars who work for the IRS, I'm not suggesting you audit her buuuut the threat of getting audited may force her to start putting out content again

9352e No.20123

>miss nicholson, you owe the federal government tens of thousands in back taxes
>however, we would be willing to overlook this substantial debt if you'd get back to making videos on your main channel again
<and then jenny refuses and goes to jail

c4c18 No.20124

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Jenny's too pretty for jail!

9352e No.20125

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Then she better darn well start making those videos.

1f1f0 No.20126

> Galactic Starcruiser video which is due… any day now.

You think so? I think it’s weeks and months away, like how Jenny releases videos about topics after everyone else has and people have moved on. And if it was that close to being finished she’d have marketed a preview on Twitter to get more paying customers.

cc3fb No.20131


The YouTuber they're piling on is completely right. It's crazy that Disney set a movie in early 2002 without even acknowledging 9/11. Immensely disrespectful.

4cf54 No.20134

>I think it’s weeks and months away
I meant by all that is right and just, it should come out soon. Jenny hurt me too many times for me to hope for a video soon.

Why was it set in 2002 then?

I might have to learn baking so I can send her a hidden file.

990db No.20148

since she earns over 400,000 a year i think they're lenient on her writeoffs. even if she wrote off her whole house they're still making alot of money from her.
she gives them what, 90,000 a year?

af58c No.20151

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>400,000 a year
I bet she easily does more than double that going by the way she always talks about her taxes. Jenny's a very rich girl!

990db No.20153

jennys confused by self deprecating humor again. i feel this is a trait of egotistic people as Ellis had the same problem.

849a6 No.20154

I'm not clicking it
I'm just not reading Twitter sorry
Its painfully slow and it nags/blocks for login.
I'm just not reading it sorry. Sorry jenny, sorry car. Just not doing it anymore.
I'm embracing my inner bailey and blocking harmful websites from my life.

af58c No.20155

Clearing cookies helps for a bit everytime that shitty site acts up.

260c5 No.20156

type nitter.net over twitter.com to see a tweet without the bloat but yeah, dude needs to post screens

a79c5 No.20157

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How did 3 tweets in a row get 1k+ RTs?

It’s crazy how often no one seems to care about Jenny’s personal tweets but any generic online hot take immediately is RTed.

c4c18 No.20158

You want to hear something funny? When I went looking for that pic of Jenny in Frontierland Jail I found that tweet only had 2 likes! This was 2014 pre fame Jenny but still, that was a low number!

849a6 No.20159

>loudly went
>you can you know
I thought she had an english degree or something?
Is it the same guy in 1 and 3? Why does jenny care so much, somehow she knows hes a guy and therefore must be cancelled? Who fucking cares about some retard pointless opinion, grow up. (goes for all of twitter) (just the first tweet could have been funny on it's own if you had left it alone)
>oh :( nobody
Did she say the emote out loud? Idgi.

849a6 No.20160

Thanks btw.
Good advice thanks but I'm just done with it

2107b No.20161

she wasnt that popular on tumblr either, i wonder what changed in her
i thought leftytube fans loved "over-analysis" they put it in the title of every video they do "over analyzing the blahblah movie"

b8cfd No.20164

You’re really going to bitch on a board dedicated to stalking Jenny’s every move about Jenny posting about someone else?

7d36a No.20166


Jenny is the most ignorant YouTuber I have seen. A lifetime bitch.

849a6 No.20167

i'm only here out of habit and i'm not bitching, i'm asking. there are billions of boring tweets to react to, what's special about this one to her that she is still thinking about it?
is this a huge thing like the can opener guy where everyone cares about it and she is just chiming in for clout? i have no frame of reference i don't use twitter.

a79c5 No.20168


Jenny has a habit of jumping on popular or trending topics for easy RTs and new followers.

2e0a2 No.20169


i forgot jenny goes to therapy. what bad habits do you think she picked up from the therapist?
"your problem is you're burning yourself out, just take a 7 month break from work but charge your patrons for all 7 months so you can keep paying me"

5e778 No.20170

>hey kid, you want some pills?

af58c No.20171

Jenny doesn't need therapy, she needs a man… preferably me.

863ac No.20172

Does she have a therapist? She tweeted her insurance didn’t have good coverage even though she makes a $1,000 a day and could just pay for it out of pocket.

95d01 No.20173

why do you people even bother stalking her if you hate her content and the things she talks about, it can't be just for looks cus you guys also complain constantly abt her not showing off enough skin. I guess it's never really Abt the victim tho in stalker cases, more the idolized woman in the stalkers head

b8cfd No.20174

This whole place is a perfect example of a bunch of dudes obsessed with putting down someone they know is better than them and that they're sexually attracted to but can't fucking deal with that simple fact.

Fuckers can't get a boner without developing a ragingly resentful inferiority/fixation complex about it.

863ac No.20175


Lol…Andrew is that you and Doug?

Jenny posts things and we discus it. If we’re all stalkers so be it but then so are thousands of fans of K-pop bands, reality stars, other YouTubers and TikTok dancers.

Maybe you should donate $500 to Jenny’s Patreon to make her feel better you cucks.

P.S. Jenny posted her Twitter thread complaining about Fantastic Beasts. Fucking called it >>20116

59e8f No.20176

>P.S. Jenny posted her Twitter thread complaining about Fantastic Beasts. Fucking called it
At the end of her last Ramble she also said she was considering watching it to make a video about it since she made one about each of the others so far. Fingers crossed!

af58c No.20177

I absolutely love Jenny, just everything about her and I don't stalk her (in the traditional sense) at all. Those guys (or is it just "guy" now?) that don't like Jenny? They've always been around bitching and moaning about her and they're not going away, so learn to deal with it. Their criticisms are pretty silly now after hearing them for all these years… Jenny only wins and they're still waiting to yell "Ha!" in her face.

2b5d7 No.20178

So you stalk her, just not in the traditional sense?

6200f No.20179

Holy shit, the absolute state of being this detached from reality. Who's stalking who? Who's hating who? Get a hold of yourselves, Jesus Christ.

4cf54 No.20180

The "traditional sense" of stalking involves a degree of physical proximity (i.e. going to someone's house or places he or she will be) and attempts at communication, which can feel threatening to the victim and is illegal, depending on jurisdiction.
As committed fans, we follow herw social media and maybe her friend's social media and some people here may (or may not) use other OSINT techniques for snooping. Many people would colloquially call that stalking, but it is less threatening and by itself not illegal.
So as long as none of you fucks do something stupid to make her feel uncomfortable, we are good.

6200f No.20181

For all the years /jenny/ has been around, there's only been one instance where anybody tried to narrow down her position, and that was her trip over to Massachusetts.

849a6 No.20182

posting on twitter is jennys personal journal, reading it is an invasion of her innermost private thoughts.

6200f No.20183

If only there was a way to own a physical journal that you kept in your own private domicile, under lock and key and away from any and all interested parties.

82a7d No.20185

>hate her content and the things she talks about
not being able to criticize a franchise you love doesnt make you a better fan, it just makes you a sadder one.
conversely you embrace jennys superiority while you get an erection? is this what im supposed to get from your post?
do you think this is about the therapy thing? did jenny forget she made a couple tweets suggesting she sees one and assumed one of us is following her around?

I'm sorry jenny, because you posted it on twitter in front of 250,000 people i assumed it was public information.

849a6 No.20187

i simply assume all rich white americans see a therapist, because of how they are raised, their social culture, and reliance on medical industrial complex it seems only natural.

62753 No.20188


Well you two sure went quiet, back to silently spying for Jenny? Does she reward you with selfies of her bra strap peeking out?

b8cfd No.20189

What, you’re upset that someone didn’t stay up all night debating the ethics of stalking with a bunch of dudes feverishly jerking off to Jenny’s every online movement?

I never thought I’d live a real “I sleep in a race car/I sleep in a big bed with my wife” moment like this.

4cf54 No.20190

How dare you suggest she would do something this lewd?!

849a6 No.20191

>a bunch of dudes feverishly jerking off to Jenny’s every online movement?
you were just telling us how this site is the opposite of that, and actually you are describing yourself.
>le meme
uh oh uh wouh oh…*chefs kiss*

d0141 No.20192

>I never thought I’d live a real “I sleep in a race car/I sleep in a big bed with my wife” moment like this.

Wait, are you insulting us or describing your fantasy of sharing a bed with Jenny and her stuffed animals?

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