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A Bailey is fine, too.
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 No.32465[Last 50 Posts]

AI Jenny is the Future Edition

So let's be real here, irl Jenny is hitting the end of what she has to offer. The solution? AI Jenny. The real question from here on out is, how do we make AI Jenny real?


we should create ai bad cars, where the posters are bots and the jennies are AI.
>What am I missing with Evermore here? I don't get it…
jennies attempt to get into a lolsuit situation with an owner tumblr convinced her was lawsuit happy (he isnt)
even if jenny fails to get the lawsuit i think alot of fans feel theres some history or "bad blood" between them and they want to see her gloat over her "victory"


I wish People would do Sexiest WOMAN Alive so our girl could get the cover :(


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>irl Jenny is hitting the end of what she has to offer
All she needs to do is regularly post more selfies, or try and come up with a format to post little bite-sized pieces of content*. It really wouldn't take much at all to please any of her fans that miss her and her stuff that used to come out regularly.

*I like that short format DE came up with to update players about Warframe; they set a timer after they begin a live stream and kill it the second it hits 15min regardless of what they're doing or talking about. I could totally see Jenny managing to do something like that with upcoming video updates, movies she's seen, her Pokemon obsession, etc, etc. Doing it live, that's 15min out of her week, prerecorded, probably not even half a day… which is still a whole lot of day because she only sleeps like four hours a night!

>gloat over her "victory"
I mean, that guy got a lot of her money, so who's the real loser here?


>create ai bad cars, where the posters are bots
Finally, I'd be able to kill myself knowing my suffering could comfortably pass on to another entity.

As if Jenny would win when Bailey is cuter.

>regularly post more selfies,
Yeah, she'll totally get on that like she'll totally start putting more videos on her channel again, exactly like she promised she was going to do. Totally gonna do that. Is it not possible to feed video to an ai? Or to take random screenshots and shove it down the ai's throat?


>15min out of her week, prerecorded, probably not even half a day
So is it 15min or half a day?


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>she'll totally get on that
Can you imagine how difficult it must be for Jenny to pick the absolute cutest pic of herself to post? That's a nearly impossible job!

>Is it not possible to feed video to an ai? Or to take random screenshots and shove it down the ai's throat?

There's a few local options these days, you just need an 80GB H100 GPU or four to fully explore them (both training and inference).


i wish i didnt know what ai is so i would believe this is real.
> 80GB H100 GPU
what about 4GB ddr3


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Sex with Jenny


>4GB ddr3
When I use Flux.1 Dev, my memory usage idles at 40GB (I've seen it peak at 56GB when launching) and 17GB VRAM (with ~23.6GB during inference). You need tons of memory, Anon.

>Not pictured
>Jenny playing Pokémon GO


> peak at 56GB
do they even make that? is that those computers with the liquid cooling systems?


Even a normal gaming PC should come with 32GB RAM. if it is one stick, no problem to put in a second 32GB stick. A modern desktop mainboard should handle 128GB if you install that much.
RAM itself does not really heat up much, the cooling you need for processors.


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I wonder who Jenny was cheering for tonight; her YouTube compatriot or the old boxer coming out of retirement?


>a tan


ones a "dude bro" the other a rapist, shes not going to cheer over this.


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Jenny doesn’t pay attention to normal world stuff. She sits on her phone looking at baby stuff complaining it doesn’t have the stuffed animals that she wants.


"the rhino" it literally says his name in the pic wtf.


I suspect Jenny does that a lot, "forgetting" people's names like that.


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For anybody looking for a Jenny girlfriend this Christmas, I found the perfect site.


That is genuinely sad.


She even has that long kind of Jenny face. Sort of like how other Disney adults have teeth that show too much gum. I swear all these people look alike.


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>Jenny posting on the weekends
Hmm, I wonder what brought about this change? Friday though Monday used to be radio silence for almost this entire year.


>real jenny
real and gay


Friendly reminder that Jen is over 30.


Jenny sure is taking a beating in that /tv/ thread.


i see, its an existing ice cream store with a neopets promotion


Very mean of Jenny to go to a place Bailey can't go to because of her debilitating lactose intolerance


And her debilitated bank account.


Imagine how warm and squidgy the real Jenny is though…

It's there a cuter 33 year old baby out there?

Why doesn't Bailey stop being a loser? Jenny really is a saint for keeping her around as a friend.


How can Bailey NOT be a loser in Jenny‘s aura? Anyone would fail there.


>open the Jenny subreddit out of morbid curiosity
>all the top posts of the last year are just the same “hehe a pillar prevented my view just like in the Jenny video” over and over
I really think Jenny and most of her fans deserve each other


I swear to god that it's those jackasses that keep making the Patreon votes awful. I blame them wholly for another Evermore video.


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some movie coming out… the green one reminds me of jenny


That green chick in no way looks like a chubby cheeked retard with an overbite, elf nose and taxi cab door ears.


Jenny probably fills the night hours trying to generate Kylo Ren transparent plastic clothes images. comfyui anon you should offer her your trained thing of her so she can put herself into the images and realize the fantasies. She would be grateful. She'd owe us


jenny has an odd face, there are members of every race from black to asian that have her features


We’re getting closer and closer to the next ramble! Hope Jenny has fun recording it! :)


what's the topic?


After years of complaining did Jenny finally get that press pass?

Fandom fire her ass?


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Why do you icel turds even follow her if you hate her and her content so much?


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I love Jenny… but Evermore is an incredibly uninteresting topic. I'd rather she record herself silently playing with her phone for however long that ramble is going to be than hear about Evermore again.


Maybe she has a crush on the Evermore guy? Powerful rich guy with similar autistic interests. Make a move, Jenny!


I don't hate her content, I hate how god damn lazy she's become with it, I hate how she lied about making videos again, and I hate that the only outlet we have for her content is being driven by retards who pushed for another god damn Evermore video. Nobody fucking cares about Evermore. It's over, it's done with, there's nothing else to talk about.


I produce videos professionally. I know that they take a lot of effort and time. I also know that, with her output rate and quality, she's working about 8 hours a week. Maybe it's more, but she's not getting results that reflect that. She makes good videos but she's not good at making videos


jenny is anxious and people who are anxious procrastinate. a ten minute job takes one day because it creates so much unconscious fear that the person spends the whole day doing things to try to 'repair their mood' to start, which doesn't work and so they only can start when they they give up hope and stop being afraid, at 3am. various admissions from her add up to her operating this way


she reminds me of minecraft dream and mr beast, they all lose confidence in their natural ability to entertain that they overproduce/overpolish their videos beyond the point of enjoyability.
would be nice if jenny released a 10minute video about that disney metaverse game where she puts a skit in, but her videos have to be 4 hour "experiences" now, no room for charm anymore.


>I produce videos professionally
Hey Max!


I got the impression during the second Evermore ramble that even Jenny was over it as a topic


She needs a new rule where past topics she's covered can be vetoed if she's done with it.


So what stupid hat do you think she'll wear this time?


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Possible fairy ears. I think at this point, we might just get to see all the leftover B roll of Jenny walks down a path, Jenny walks across the road and points at a thing. That’s about all I have hope for. Maybe I’ll get Jenny bends over and a gust of wind comes.


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saw a link to a video that seems specifically intended to mirror the appeal of jenny's old stuff


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If she throws on the elf ears, it's guaranteed to a super-cute look.


its going to be something referential to the closing, like a homeless gnome.


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Jenny trying to get through yet another Evermore video.


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Is it me or does Jenny stuff her bra less when she’s around fat chicks? Is it the comparison to real boobs?


Is Jenny a chubby chaser?


Good lord, dude.


That's also my face when I realize Jenny STILL isn't my girlfriend.

>Jenny is the Good Witch

Also, another weekend selfie post. I very much enjoy this change!


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The fools, Jenny is never going to leave Twitter. She spent too much time building her bubble there. She’s too lazy to try and gain all that attention on a whole other website! Haven’t they been paying attention to her career?


That's actually such a funny comment because no, actually her fans never follow her. Anything she does outside of her channel gets barely any views. Remember when her Reddit fans didn't know who Bailey was? They have literally never watched anything she did other than her most popular main channel vids.

Sometimes that sucks too cause Bailey and Jenny at the Overlook Hotel was a really fun little video that no one on the internet watched apparently


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Do you think Jenny would go for a "Change her hair color to red." ramble topic suggestion?


Sorry, she's going to need to talk about Evermore another fifteen times.
>that leotard
God I'd love to give that a pull.


has anyone actually watched these? i watched maybe 5 minutes


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I can't wait for the eventual "Evermore: The Full Parking Lot Experience" ramble. Gonna be epic!

The Pony stuff is always brutal to watch. The whole Brony vibe is creepy and MLP, from any generation, just aren't very good cartoons (sorry, Jen).



I just opened this and skipped to a random timestamp, and the audio was so fucked I couldn't listen for more than 5 seconds.


God I suffer without a qt faerie Jenny gf.
>I can't wait
If we get another god damn Evermore video after this one I'm going to lose my shit.
>brutal to watch
Such is the nature of bronies.


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this lady takes the jenny aesthetic too far


You lads better buckle up because this is literally her in the next few years.


How do you date Jenny without feeling like a pedo? Sure she's 33 but she dresses like a child, eats like a child and plays with toys like a child.

Imagine coming home after a long day to find the dinner Jenny prepared is movie popcorn and an assortment of candy and some stuffed animals are joining you at the dinner table while MLP plays in the background


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Jenny has only gotten cuter so far, so even all tarted up like that chick, she should still look better. I do wonder though if she'll get progressively more "normal" or sink deeper into the solitary collector life as she gets older.

Also, at one video every 16 months, Jenny only has about four or five videos left in her… unless she plans to be a YouTuber in her 40s.

It's not like Jenny has a child's body…


>WERIE: "Melnape he worls and tlhe me to worrted. It shotors you viada 1 erkongram"

Well said, you ai-generated nightmare, well said. Thing reads like the weird spam posts that happen here.


Sometimes I wonder if Jenny will ever find someone to stuff her turkey


i think if you break down her guard she starts acting more normal


opposite. the stuff we see is her professional persona which is relatively moderated and arms length etc. sometimes she gets too comfortable as if she's among people who understand and lets slip a hint of what kind of sicko stuff is in her inner mind


Who will get their Ramble out first? Jenny or Bailey?


Bailey does rambles?


Baily does her best :3
Except when it comes to us, anyway.


The rambles work well for Jenny because she's a big ol' autist, but what's a failed normie like Bailey "ramble" about?


Join her Patreon and find out! Feels wrong to just share it, the poor unemployed girl needs a dollar or two!


Last month's ramble was about her ghost adventures with Jenny


Yeah, she's got a family to feed. Oh, wait


She has herself to feed! Also her 2 cats!


What if I sign up and she just kvetches about her post-menopausal osteoporosis every month?

>poor unemployed girl

Couldn't be that poor, she does live in LA after all…

Anything interesting in there (clips, anecdotes, etc)?


Do you think Jenny and Bailey have ever kissed under the mistletoe?


>Anything interesting in there (clips, anecdotes, etc)?
No clips, plenty of anecdotes. Like how Jenny got pushed around by a ghost in her room
>Do you think Jenny and Bailey have ever kissed under the mistletoe?
You know Bailey had to have tried her luck at some point


AI bro, grant us this wish


Jenny being a lazy shit while Bailey uploads to her main channel.


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Nobody wants to kiss Jenny under the mistletoe…

Does she still do the drinking thing?


>Does she still do the drinking thing?
Yes but in this one she just had 2 glasses of wine


Poor Bailey's getting too old to booze it up like she used to. She needs to hurry up and give Mike a child before her eggs go.


cute jenny, sometimes i remember what an avid drinker she is and it feels weird, like thats clearly not part of her intended persona, which makes it more clear that theres a different/real jenny behind the screen


I wonder if Jenny has any cute kitchen sign or something that says “it’s wine o’clock somewhere!”


>thats clearly not part of her intended persona
Not sure about that. like i keep saying everyone forgot how her angle was cute soft spokenness distracting you from the nasty sting in the tail
Always been a dark twist in the persona


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More than just a twist. But I absolutely agree with this. I’ve said for a long time there’s a real good reason why she’s never really had too many men in her life. We can all debate on who she may have or may have not dated but for the most part, she’s alone. And while she jokes about it, I think it comes from a point of reality for her. The best she’s been able to do with men as a couple of sexual abusers. I think it’s safe to assume she’s a rip-roaring cunt in her normal life, and that’s why she keeps a bunch of rejects for friends as well. A bunch of fat women who probably wouldn’t have friends either, and a miserable shit like Bailey. That and the alphabet mafia crowd which will pretty much accept anybody as long as you parrot their talking points. She’s always wanted a group and she’s never been able to really find one. People make fun that she still collects toys and stuffed animals, but honestly I think it’s all she has.


(just to be clear i'm not saying in this that her persona was nice to hide a nastiness, i'm saying her persona always openly nasty with the sweetness done as a joke)


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<missed the end of November for her ramble
Not that I was looking forward to it, but she's really been slipping on these ramble releases this year. Let's get it together, Jenny! Quit being a bum!

>socially retarded
Jenny never had a chance. I bet the first girls that befriended her only wanted to ruin her. Women are crabs in a bucket and will literally go way out of their way to ruin a girl that isn't a partied-out slut like they are. I see it all fairly regularly at work; a young girl will come in, not used to hanging around with adults, try and make friends, a group of devious hags will pick her up and systematically destroy any semblance of innocence, the next thing you know she's got an alcohol/drug habit before getting fired.

I bet Bailey pushed her into drinking solely out of spite.

>I think it’s safe to assume she’s a rip-roaring cunt in her normal life
That's actually a charm point for a viciously cute brat like Jenny. I think she only gets hotter when she acts all bitchy… diamonds!


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>Quit being a bum!
It's only going to get worse, bro. Here's the current vote, btw. Right now we have an exciting near-tie between a holiday movie review and a review of Mean Girls.


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I will not stand for this Bailey slander! She was lonely Jewish girl surrounded by rich, mean Californian gentiles, if anything she was corrupted by Jenny's theater kid crowd!

Also you seem to be forgetting about a terrible influence that's been in Jenny's life from literally day one!


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I guess the upside there is that there's not another Evermore suggestion.

Well, when Jenny starts vaping we'll know who corrupted who!


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Jenny will never move on from edibles, her poor wittle baby lungs can’t take anything else.


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this woman from youtube shorts looks like a jenny


No she doesn’t.


I can kind of see it. Focus on the nose and the immediate features. She's like a broader-faced Jen.


why'd she get so mad about 'jenny virginson'?


She could fart out a Wicked video and get 5 million views in a week but instead we don’t even have a fucking november ramble yet. If she wasn’t such a cutie I’d be so mad!!


That's what makes Bailey so evil… the extra damage to her lungs would be icing on the cake.

Because women are especially vicious when bullying another woman.


Okay but ask yourself: do you really want a Wicked review?

If you want anyone to blame for Jenny toking up, look to Sky.


did she mention that recently?
its because it was on twitter, her domain


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More importantly, why is she mad about being an asexual virgin, when she’s associated with this community…


Beneath all the autism, she knows she's too old to be doing what she's doing. She knows she's supposed to be married with children, and it eats her up inside when she has the clarity to see it. All the plushies and vacations in the world can't hide her failure as a woman.


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>Jenny would rather pay money and travel to hang out with people like that than post here for free

I doubt Jenny's ever had a serious thought about her future like that. That's just not her style.


jennys cartoonish features were not meant to be further exaggerated, this is spooky.


Sorry bro, monkey's paw. You wanted a Jenny gf but that's what all your kids are going to end up looking like.


> it eats her up
Nah, Jenny and I are soulmates because we alone seem to understand that starting families and even having having relationships are 20th century relics that only made sense before you became able to get all your needs met more directly online. Jenny and I see people coupling up and think 'lmao really still, in 2024?' She says 'you could by pinged off 10 seconds from now with some concentrated powney guro-vore - but you're going to spend hours talking up some ordinary person to clumber up against their vaguely erotic parts? lel'.


we need more stuff of the love of my life Lindsay someone please make ai of her girlcock please please pretty please


Does she still have her OnlyFans? Cause then you can just go pay for the real thing


i heard it was a scam just selfies :( i would pay billion of dollars if she did do nudes tho.


Evermore Part 4. Still using the 30fps camera


>happy thanksgiving
<december 3rd
Bitch, please.


wait what is this referring to?


>i heard it was a scam
it is
2017 troll twitter account


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Someone made fun of her in a very appropriate manner, and the account got approved by Twitter. Took her some time to get it taken down.


Anybody watch the new bullshit Evermore ramble yet? I'm looking at the runtime for this thing and it's sitting at two hours. How in the hell did she find two hours of content to babble on about?

I completely forgot about this. What a prophet.


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Boring so far but Jenny's girlfriend in Utah made her a Galaxy Cruiser plush and she loves it!


the color distortion she uses to make her eyes bright or whatever, is getting out of hand. this is damaging people's screens. radioactive pink stink girl


>i heard it was a scam just selfies
How does Sky actually make money? Clearly not as an OF star and I saw her streams barely crack 30 viewers these days so not as a streamer. Does she have a real job or does daddy/Jenny support her financially?


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Kinda weird that there's so much Thanksgiving sentiment in there though, how early did she think she could get that out?

>Anybody watch the new bullshit Evermore ramble yet?
Just the (non-intro) intro and the outro. I did go back and click around for anything interesting, but found nothing. Cute hat, cute turkey noises and nothing else.

I do think it's kinda mean to string-along her fans for that Barbie video that'll never ever get finished. There's gonna be 20 more films released in the time it's gonna take her to "finish" that current script.

>he doesn't turn on RTX HDR for Jenny's videos to be blinded by her shitty grading and terrible exposure
It's why you buy an OLED monitor, Anon!

>How does Sky actually make money?
This family probably spent $10k/mo. taking care of two horses… keeping a ketamine junkie in her LA k-hole has got to be a lot cheaper than that.


daddy does


>and the outro.
Did she do any updates on videos for the main channel? I don't think she gave us any for the last ramble.


10 minutes in, Jenny admits to never watching Revenge of the Nerds but also takes a general blanket statement by the new CEO as a personal insult. The fucking ego on this broad. She's not even kidding, she thinks he's directly insulting her, and then she completely misses the point of what he's talking about with his "Revenge of the Nerds" analogy. She gets so god damn pissy about it. "People call him the Puppet CEO which is mean but since he called me a nerd it's fine" like, what the fuck? What the actual fuck is wrong with her?


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is she stirring shit?


I don’t give my dumb baby girl money to charity, but if I WERE to, like you PLEBS should be doing, I would CLEARLY choose the gays.

*Start sucking thumb and petting stuffed animal


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Just that she was working on the same old videos, nothing too exciting.

Why can't we buy presents for her instead? Nobody wants to spend any money on trans toddlers…


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I'm drunk and I just want to say that I don't give a damn about Jenny or Bailey anymore. I'm all about Faith now.


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Any badcars out there with a Xitter account that they don't mind getting blocked? Cause someone needs to go tell Bailey "Girl you're so hot, why did you crawl back to your shitty ex?"


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'blah blah' (cant post an image without text)


Notice how her face and body shape is not actually showing in any of these images as presented. Looks like what you like is womens' clothes. Maybe you could go to the airport and have a 'luggage mixup'?




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Could anyone confirm of this is true or not?


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Lindsay mogs jenny. estrogen is really magic 🤤🤤🤤


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She’s slowly becoming a plushy herself.


faith used to be cool but she got the smallest amount of attention online and it went to her head completely. embarrassing.
bailey twitch raided alex and there was something going on with a sex toy that caused bemusement


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i would do anything to be a skylarky fan in 2020


Truly these are the end of days.


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Bailey is bullying her about it


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Can't believe she's once again wasting her best years on Mike. LA is so big, did she even try to find another person to date? How low is her bar?


Something that gets me is that she was employed for how long but didn't meet a single person there she could have a relationship with. Always back to Mike. For all time, Bailey is Bailey's worst enemy.


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Is this the gayest post of the year?

>don't give damn about Jenny


I thought she chased those LA trends (which aren't for losers btw, Bailes!) right into being gay/bi?


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>being gay/bi?
Well… sounds like her luck wasn't much better there either


I wonder if she's actually looking for a job as she seems to be spending lots of money for someone who's unemployed. Didn't she go to Disneyland just last week?


Now drink it. Good. …I said drink it! Yes, ALL of it.


lol, nice


Despite the stereotypes about her people, she's not very good with money!


My goodness I didn't know we had such clam chowder enthusiasts here.

What could she possibly be doing wrong that she can't land a single person on either side of the fence?


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How do you fuck up dating a woman as one yourself!? She should be able to anticipate and decode every shit-test and head game attempted… I don't understand. Do women have a secret second level of all that bullshit in case they run into an actual mind reader?


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Maybe she runs into the same issue we all do over here, she compares all her dates to Jenny and they all fall short


You misunderstand the nature of the test. The correct answer isn't decided until you answer and then it becomes something other than what you said.


there is no answer. they just want to be angry its in their genes man woman doesn't matter they all will be attacked by the evil creatures


These Slave Jennies are really hot but I see the AI is unable to process Jenny with her natural skin tone. These are waaaay too tanned!


Still can't get the right number of fingers either


>Jenny with her natural skin tone
yeah for that we'll need to go to the raw data of real footage, the camera doesn't lie… >>32600 accck!!

Anyway probably the word slave in the prompt makes it generate darker skin


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Luckily we do have some great training data available for this specifically!


are those clip in braids or her hair? why do they end in a straight-cut brush like that?


this video is still heavily filtered, you know because bailey looks average and not shocking ugly like real life


that's a really bad take brother. shes a qtpie


File: 1733752598251.jpg (221.9 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, SaveClip.App_469225047_108….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

I will not stand for such slander! Bailey is a beautiful young lady and any fella would be lucky to have her!


>this video is still heavily filtered
its 10 years old, probably shot on a mini-disc camcorder


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i love how you added shocking ugly. she's smoking hot


new goosedrunk idea bailey get a vibrator and it vibrates every time she says a certain word or the entire time works too (billion dollar idea)




File: 1733843485835.mp4 (1.72 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, her whole mouth.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Okay you heckin perverts, checking in on the Patreon it looks like it's a really close race between "Jenny’s uncompromising condemnation of the movie musical Mean Girls (2024)" with 1,399 votes and "Jenny Distracts Us From The Horrors By Watching a Weird/Obscure Christmas TV Movie" with 1,391 votes. Third place is "Jenny reviews Return of the Jedi as if it came out last week" with 996.


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I too wanted to see Jenny put her entire mouth on the purple whipped cream.


File: 1733867215370.jpeg (1.34 MB, 1284x1171, 1284:1171, IMG_0946.jpeg) ImgOps iqdb

Jenny getting ready to hard-core flick her bean to Disney porn.


can we trick jenny into reading porn on patreon or would she be wise enough to skip the dirty parts


File: 1733879721613.jpeg (162.97 KB, 969x1079, 969:1079, IMG_0842.jpeg) ImgOps iqdb

Jenny‘s sexy reading hour? I doubt she’d go for it and it would probably piss off Bailey since that’s her schtick. Maybe, you might be able to convince her to read the book though. It would be worth it to hear her giggle through all the dirty parts.


she already read out a pornobook on youtube and only stopped herself saying the full blown sex parts because she thought kids might watch the video, rather than thinking how it reflected on herself. Her dad liked the video and tweeted a link to the video. Also her brother at some point asked the dad for boob implants and the dad was like haha ok. They're not a family that is like 'ohh cover your eyes children' 'omg eww dad kissed mom' etc. they're like all open 'what's the big deal' californian, that what she's used to


how do you not even remember her already doing this? i thought i was the one that doesn't watch her shit


File: 1733892828229.jpg (703.57 KB, 970x3492, 5:18, a902_sp01.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

See what you'd get for Christmas if we could buy you presents, Jenny?


Can AI do a sexy Jenny voice?


had a jank version for years, look up fakeyou jenny nicholson


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Does make you wonder if her typical fantasy is Disney related.



How do we know she's back with Mike? Gimme the deets, I hate being out of the loop.


Bailey needs to get with a smart finance guy who can buy her all the flowers and presents she deserves


File: 1733937781123.jpg (240.77 KB, 1080x1310, 108:131, SaveClip.App_469158470_129….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Well they were hanging out just this week when she went to Disney. Now are they back together? Are they just friends now? Who can say. Her friends and family are really dropping the ball here though, how is no one calling her out on this?


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Would she be imagining a rugged blue-collar, back-of-the-house employee (mechanic, HVAC, etc), or some Disney-loving turbo-dork sweeping her off her feet at the park?

>lose job
>pretend you're poor
>spend every day at Disneyland
>beg others for money
You're not poor or out of work, Bailey… you're a panhandler.


File: 1733984281527.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 76.52 KB, 640x761, 640:761, IMG_0954.jpeg) ImgOps iqdb

The AI really gave her the crazy eyes in this one; reminds me of Debi Sue Voorhees from Friday the 13th part V.


File: 1734099863039-0.jpg (83.99 KB, 828x1472, 9:16, SaveClip.App_469726989_919….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

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I can't take anyone seriously who calls this woman ugly, she looks amazing!


The word choice of someone pretending to be attracted to women - is Bailey posting again?


File: 1734235959613.png (2.4 MB, 1440x1080, 4:3, ComfyUI_12136.png) ImgOps iqdb

Do you think Jenny's husband helps her wrap gifts for the kids?


As long as she gets more toys than the kids I don't think she'll care


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I kinda feel like Jenny wouldn't compete with her kids, she strikes more as one of those hyper-focused Disney moms that'll keep them at the park for 14hrs a day instead of rubbing daddy's love for her in their faces constantly.


>what do you mean where are your presents?
>it's christmas, you're supposed to be giving to me




File: 1734297654185.jpg (62.01 KB, 592x296, 2:1, drama brained.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

ai jenny looks nice and cozy

real jenny is too drama brained, i cant find anything negative about this guy and people in the comments seem confused too, the best they can think of is he fucked ariana grande? the tabloids are presenting it as a love story though not a shame.


It’s that he left his pregnant wife for Ariana Grande, and she left her husband as well.


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this bastard needs to be deplatformed NOW


File: 1734306339921.jpeg (177.76 KB, 1500x693, 500:231, knockout.jpeg) ImgOps iqdb

It’s like Jenny went to Disney World with Big Joel.


Oh that is hilarious.


they've made sure this is explicitly not about her because the one thing she's not, is fat. that is almost the unique distinction between her and any other disney girl. see the park cast pics from her time there. the girl is famous because she's the one disney adult who is not fat* so when she looks at this she can just smile and say 'hehe, yeah, they are freaks - the disney adults who aren't me, which this obviously addresses'.

*(actually three things that every other person who does it is fat:
- disney adult
- pitchy anime sounding voice
- stoklasa sneering)


Seeing as Jenny didn't get the ramble out until the 2nd, who wants to take bets on how long it'll take her lazy ass to get the next one out?


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I’ll say a week into January. She’s got all the holiday celebrations plus a mini vacation for having traveled up north.


File: 1734429888499.webm (5.38 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Jenny Sneeze!.webm) ImgOps iqdb

lol, it's like a deranged (and fat!) Jenny.

My question is; are we getting any bloopers this year?


Which video is this from?


File: 1734498949825.jpg (9.67 KB, 480x360, 4:3, bloopers 2022 edition (HQ).jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


>her Barbie footage there is probably coming up on three years old

And it's still several years away… crazy!


File: 1734535532662.png (470.59 KB, 620x717, 620:717, Abusemystery.png) ImgOps iqdb

Well whomever this mystery friend of Bailey's may be, I just hope it's not Jenny! Although Jenny having a controlling partner would explain her disappearing from public life…


File: 1734542575850.png (2.99 MB, 960x1280, 3:4, IMG_4092.png) ImgOps iqdb

If it were Jenny having wiener problems, it would be a corn dog.


I'm certain Max wouldn't hit Jenny… she probably just walked into a door or something, you know how clumsy she can be!


File: 1734549654249.mp4 (3.02 MB, 640x1136, 40:71, jenny and max find a puppe….mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Max literally didn't do anything wrong. Jenny's loss!


>very specific callout
Pff, she doesn't know the first thing about me
Also… Jenny likes it


it says abusive situation. lindsay ellis could be threatening to kill herself again if jenny doesnt attack james somerton or something, it really could mean anything


Do you think Jenny ever hits her lovers? She probably likes to keep it adventurous and maybe gets out of hand sometimes.


Not taking a shot at Jenny is a pretty big "wrong" in my book. What a wasted opportunity.

She's way too feminine and girly to hit somebody. Nothing she's ever done has even hinted at her having a violent outburst or even just dishing out playful strikes. I don't think it's in her nature.

Plus, she bruises so easily that you can't be too rough with her anyway or it'll look like you're beating her up all the time.


C'mon… we don't even know if that should be singular, let alone plural!


Jenny would be super manipulative, but hands down Bailey would be the one more inclined to hitting somebody. She's got the temper.


File: 1734681082228.jpg (54.68 KB, 1080x1351, 1080:1351, SaveClip.App_470166590_214….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Maybe but she's skin and bones so it's not like she could hurt you!


I need that. Bailey getting mad over something, tries to hit me, I hold her down.. initiate corrective measures..


>Jenny would be super manipulative
that type gets pretty furious when you call them out on their lies, im still 50/50


And you got to be careful, she has that autist strength!


File: 1734713950786.jpeg (374.1 KB, 753x1785, 251:595, IMG_1009.jpeg) ImgOps iqdb

New selfie.


Calling herself the ultimate life form. Seems a bit conceited, but I am unsure if I could disagree.


For as cute as she is, crooked teeth, a stuffed bra, and still hiding her boys hips and ass behind clothing and curated pictures does not make one an ultimate life form. Just retardedly adorable


Would love to be sitting in the splash zone during her screening…

This is some real "jealous ugly girl" energy.


i'm thinking 'what in this could ai not do?' so there's still some point even looking at jenny's uploaded selfies. I guess the bizarre bendy looking leg poses
>boys hips and ass
>stuffed bra
probably and particularly looks like it in the pic.
Jenny seeks boys lust despite denial


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Why all these layers though? She's not in Minnesota, she's in LA where they're having 80 degree weather right now!


File: 1734759411766.jpg (397.46 KB, 2018x2019, 2018:2019, EL0w1jyUcAAjr6H-orig.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

>50F in LA right now
>-15F where I am
I could use an extra toasty Jenny to warm me up!


File: 1734760084054.png (114.5 KB, 1192x442, 596:221, how awful.png) ImgOps iqdb

i have a request for ai anon. jenny standing in T position with her face facing absolutely straight center.
theres potential here but the face needs to be dead center.


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File: 1734767294564-4.png (2.34 MB, 1080x1440, 3:4, ComfyUI_12765.png) ImgOps iqdb

It's kinda jerking me around on noise, but here are a few decent picks.


File: 1734772668907-0.png (26.98 KB, 899x198, 899:198, BJFaith.png) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1734772668907-1.jpg (379.81 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, Ga03kBxbsAAsttZ.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

The cruelest trick God ever pulled was giving Faith the most incredible set of blowjob lips and then making her a lesbian who is never going to put them anywhere near a cock. Unless she's into tgirls


last pic is funny its like if jenny had grown into an adult


File: 1734796578354.jpg (7.86 KB, 316x174, 158:87, 8778.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

they really accentuate the rear end


File: 1734805176508.jpg (44.64 KB, 596x420, 149:105, try.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

i'll keep trying, it comes out different every time. its odd that it cant get her face spot on when its a pic of her face


File: 1734835883098.jpeg (198.36 KB, 828x1472, 9:16, IMG_1091.jpeg) ImgOps iqdb

Bailey hot


Hope she doesn’t chafe her nipples.


Looks like something out of Silent Hill.


She made Twitch Partner! She deserves a little treat!


please… it's christmas. why do you need to post gore on the merry jenny site


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File: 1734874581944.mp4 (2.41 MB, 854x480, 427:240, jenny brothel.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

For all the talking that Bailey does, I'd throw down money that she's never gotten to third base with a woman.

In another timeline, Faith would be working at a brothel in the Wild West with Jenny.


File: 1734874660028.webm (2.25 MB, 854x480, 427:240, jenny brothel.webm) ImgOps iqdb

what the flip why is the file broken



God I wish she would make an onlyfans


Sadly both of the girls love showing off to random strangers in LA but will never do it online for good money


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Bailey might; she’s jobless and crass. Plus she believes in nonsense like it’s empowering. You probably just need a bunch of her male fans to tell her to not ever do onlyfans, and she would do it out of spite.


No that's the one thing she has made very clear, she will absolutely not. She's been asked directly and commented on it a couple of times now. She even turns off her camera during streams when she has to get up so we don't get a free peek at her ass

She will beg for money but will absolutely not earn it by showing skin. Hell she even showed her stream the Pump It Up with Sue short shorts she got herself and then said she looks forward to wearing it but will never model it cause it's too revealing


Well well well. Oh ye doubters and haters, look who proved you all wrong with an early Patreon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQ7wTLW5gno


I’m glad she finally trimmed her hair, however it looks like she did it on her own, and with a weed whacker. Why is this girl‘s anxiety so high she can’t just go to a fucking Supercuts?


File: 1734970386718.jpeg (472.64 KB, 929x1500, 929:1500, knockout.jpeg) ImgOps iqdb

No updates on upcoming projects other than mild work on the Pokémon video. New interest in that Disneyworld romance novel book for a project but people are complaining that there’s too much theme park content.


She does so little work that it actually took her a few moments to remember what she supposedly 'worked on' in the last month!



A lot of women have said that and changed their minds once the unemployment benefits run out.


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>Be american wagie
>I had to take evening classes in a whole ass fictional language to get this job
>Supervisor is riding my ass
>Wild JENNY appeared!
>Oh shit shit SHIT, a cosplay disney adult. I’m 100% royally fucked.


>never gotten to third base with a woman
Who would even date Bailey if she wasn't putting out? That personality of hers isn't something you'd want to spend a lot of time with NOT having sex.

She couldn't wait until Christmas morning, huh? Thanks!

>but people are complaining that there’s too much theme park content
Nobody is complaining about there being too much Jenny content period. She's released like two videos in the last five years… is she high?


>too much theme park content
Jen. Baby. Sweetheart. Mother to my children. You need more theme park content. That's not the problem. The problem is all of the god damn Evermore bullshit. You have unlimited funds, use them to go film somewhere else for once.



Oh Jenny, you're spoiling us!


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Double feature?! Whaaaaaaaaaat????


It was pretty funny when she was going off on a rant about how stupid the princess's face looked and then suddenly realized she was describing her own face


jenny has become the channel awesome.


File: 1735071825623.jpg (35.35 KB, 389x280, 389:280, vizsla-mix-shows-resigned-….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

>the fairy-tale beautiful princess looks like me


File: 1735094221596.png (2.5 MB, 1080x1440, 3:4, ComfyUI_13084.png) ImgOps iqdb

I can't believe she doesn't lean harder into her ability to react so cutely to stuff, it's always so fun to watch!

As for that DVD about the apron she picked up last year in a video store, was it some sort of a religious video store? Because damn, nobody would be carrying that in a retail chain in lieu of modern releases that someone normal might actually purchase.

That princess wasn't nearly as cute as Jenny though!


File: 1735103765025.png (608.48 KB, 918x574, 459:287, jenny should stop.png) ImgOps iqdb

>first ramble
<"i really didn't want to watch this"
<"the broadway show of little shop of horrors is an adaptation of the movie"
.. Jen..
<ariana grande sucks
she got that right
<teehee oh no my opinions are soooo controversial, i hope nobody gets mad at me!
<totally working on a pokemon video and a romance novel video but teehee maybe i might not find the time oh no
<peple are tired of theme park content
>second video
<i'm totally never doing two rambles again, don't you dare expect me to do more than the bare minimum
<christmas isn't about material things
Pretty hilarious coming from Jenny.
<the way to jenny's heart is magic and music
<also suffering and animal torture and eye mutilation and beheading her enemies, apparently
<jenny refuses to believe that a woman's place is in the kitchen
<a crippled lamb manages to thaw her black, frozen heart to the point where she almost breaks down
<jesus pisses jenny off

That collar ads so much value hnnnnnnnnnnnng


The Broadway musical is an adaptation of the 1960 movie. Just the dumbest fucking people on this board


File: 1735109785685.jpg (121.97 KB, 948x564, 79:47, colard.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

>That collar ads so much value
needs putting into all her pictures
her reddit sub will love it


If that lamb wasn't so bitter, she probably would've cried.

>That collar ads so much value hnnnnnnnnnnnng

It was a weird design choice to give the princess a collar, that's not an accessory typically associated with a prim and proper girl.

Jenny in a collar is far too lewd!


What about the red collar she actually owns? You know the one she bought for Max?


File: 1735174194991.jpeg (371.12 KB, 1284x1905, 428:635, IMG_1036.jpeg) ImgOps iqdb

Jenny and Bailey sharing their holiday hoe-bag messages with one another.


What is the source of this clip?


The Porg video


Jenny seems a bit too girly to want cum for slutmas. It's so sticky and gets everywhere.


File: 1735197250647.mp4 (1.75 MB, 720x878, 360:439, 2024-12-25_minami71281_187….mp4) ImgOps iqdb

You better hope and pray no one got Jenny one of these for Christmas because then it's all over for all men!


Jenny definitely gets grossed out by cum, that goes in the condom not on her tummy!


Is the noise just the mechanism or is it a feature? Is it meant to be the animal enjoying it self?


You can't take a battery home to meet your parents… although I'm sure Jenny wouldn't see a problem with trying



jenny wouldnt want to get it dirty. if it came with like, a towel with a hole in it sure.


Jenny is so mad at the cute little kids in the Christmas video…maybe bitterness that she still isn’t a mother? And maybe sadness that she might never be one?


>might never
She might never work in a ship-breaking yard in bangaladesh either


File: 1735352299861.png (Spoiler Image, 341.5 KB, 1147x1986, 1147:1986, Jenny ponygirl.png) ImgOps iqdb

> Jenny in a collar is far too lewd!


File: 1735364673403.png (2.46 MB, 1080x1440, 3:4, ComfyUI_13327.png) ImgOps iqdb

>try and get flux to produce a bondage-style pic with reins in her mouth
>only get wholesome horse girl pics
OK then…


>only get wholesome horse girl pics
Of course, because Jenny is a wholesome horsegirl and NOTHING ELSE


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I don't say this very often but maybe Jenny should try being more like Ellis! Disney is for children, not single adult women in their 30s!


File: 1735374477770.png (2.26 MB, 1080x1440, 3:4, ComfyUI_13369.png) ImgOps iqdb

She can also easily be a classy model, Anon!

Let's hope this doesn't make Jenny feel left out and make her jump into something she's not ready for…


File: 1735376577953.png (Spoiler Image, 658.87 KB, 1651x2404, 1651:2404, Pleasure island jenny .png) ImgOps iqdb

Wholesome horse girl is right!


>the tempting chest
>the accurate calves
>the overall high quality of jen gens

Rey: Jenny's gonna get old innit. Toime's ganna ravage'a.
Leia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rb-GVzhEYo


File: 1735393336302.jpeg (2.61 MB, 1584x2120, 198:265, IMG_6190.jpeg) ImgOps iqdb

The best Jenny could do with that look.


Lewd or wholesome, they're both valid.


I wonder how long she's going to wait before telling her kids how she murdered their oldest sibling for teh lulz.


>black santa
it can never just be about the kids can it.


It's funny, I didn't even notice that because I didn't bother to enlarge the image. My brain saw Ellis and just shut down out of disgust. What a horrible woman.


File: 1735502181760.jpg (210.3 KB, 828x1472, 9:16, 471866371_1340401336948136….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Someone's feeling a little slutty!



Push-up bra working miracles here.


>Unoriginal content! You have been muted for 2 seconds.

well ok then!


I hope she puts out a tribute video for the great Jimmy Carter!


Trying to give Mike a reason to pop the question on Valentine's Day.


File: 1735593906283.png (100.96 KB, 616x1207, 616:1207, new ramble.png) ImgOps iqdb

Maybe it's the feve talking but all of these are good options. Winner's pretty obvious, tho.


File: 1735674301621.png (1.82 MB, 1080x1440, 3:4, ComfyUI_13774.png) ImgOps iqdb

I hope we get some cute drunk-posting on Twitter from her later (with people here ready to save them!), because I'm sure she's gonna be pre-gaming for hours before she hits LA to ring in the new year proper.

Kind of a shame that favorite music topic has zero chance at winning, always been curious as to what Jenny might listen to in her… "less autistic" moments.


My prediction for 2025 is that Jenny will be prettier than ever!


Too easy! Hard mode is predicting if she'll post a video on main this year


File: 1735715385024.png (2.52 MB, 1080x1440, 3:4, ComfyUI_13841.png) ImgOps iqdb

You know what, I'm gonna go with the unimaginable… this year we're gonna get a boyfriend reveal. That's right, Jenny's gonna get bullied into finally getting a man this year!



My schizo theory is Hbomberguy. They were photographed together with no other Jenny characters around not too long ago. A long-distance sexless relationship where he only shows up to go to theme parks would be a dream come true for Jenny.


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Jenny really partying like a rock star over there!


No one gets persecuted more than Jenny….why must the best of us suffer the most?


>wicked sing along
Jesus fucking Christ. We're the first day in and she's already gotten so much worse.


she can only get more kooky and out of touch as her cheques keep rolling in and the window of opportunity for a normal life closes with her age, thus it reduces to nobody in the world whose regard she seeks, who she moderates because she wants to have a positive opinion of her.
its going to start being like 'if i want to wear a diaper then… why the fuck not? who am i afraid of?'


Why would anyone shush a gorgeous woman with a beautiful voice?


this is the second time shes complained about someone going shhhh to her


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I wasn't thinking "faux boyfriend", I'm talking full-on, included in every social media post, inclusion in her videos, ripping the heart out of her fans' chest, whole-life-revolves-around-him boyfriend.

There was always a 50/50 shot of her just doing something a turbo-dork would do to, I guess…

If I was with Jenny there, I would've went back and told those motherfuckers to start singing. Shushing my babygirl… that's a quick way to get your fucking cranium cracked.


She looks so isolated in these pics though. Like she's taking a picture with friends 'who are just out of shot!!' but nobody's in the room.
What if there was someone interacting with her in the image. Her capering not not the camera, for once but for some nondescript - anonymous, you could say - figure…


Post the LoRA already


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Jenny is starting a new hobby of collecting old postcards. Fucking Wild Child, this one. And people here were actually betting that she would get a boyfriend. She’s got so many old lady hobbies, she might as well start macramé next.


That’s sort of a nice twee Zooey Deschanel kind of autism at least. Much better than the recent Pokemon obsession.


How many people does it take to shh you before you start to think "maybe I'm the problem"? Arrested development is a bitch.

>for once but for some nondescript - anonymous, you could say - figure…
So your saying we should use meme magic to get Max and Jenny back together. Genius.

It's unironically so over for her.


Loud and obnoxious have seemed to be a commonality that’s followed her through her whole life. She was disliked by her drama teacher and has always seemed to be annoying people by overly vocalizing every thought that goes through her head like she’s constantly on.


this grifter jounrnalist has a bit of a jennny tinge. lady in the video - the tweet i'm linking gives the context of the video


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(e.g. this expression at the end)


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i think I've mentioned it before, but I'm not super-happy with where it is at the moment. It's still overfits more than I'd like… BUT, if you really want what amounts to a test (and have a 24GB GPU!), I suppose I can upload it somewhere.

>people here were actually betting that she would get a boyfriend
Jenny is already in "wife-mode", doing things our moms and aunts do, some guy just has to convince her to give him a shot to win her over and he can slide right into a longtime married life without putting in the decades.


In 15 years she’ll marry some 20 year old to boss around, she’ll have so many heavy boxes full of toys by then and will need help


Haven't been keeping up with Jenny last few weeks and come here to see any important updates I may have missed only to see that 2/3 posts is a ai pic of Jenny.

Can that stuff be moved to it's own thread so I can easily see if her new rambles are still boring, repeated expansions of the theme park video.


They're harmless oc being posted alongside conversation and the only real Jenny content inbetween Patreon videos. Let's not be silly billies.


There is so little Jenny content that even with the AI stuff it takes minimal scrolling you'll still get to a post about her rambles real quick


>actually acknowledging someone who said 'i come here once a month and add nothing, please change the daily pattern of the site for my convenience'


Best comment right here.


Wisdom of the ages.

Brother, when she hits the wall at 40, her value is going to hit rock bottom. Nobody in their 20's is going to chase after an empty egg carton.


Kemono is down in my country so I finally caved and bought a $2 Jenny subscription on Patreon. Couldn’t be bothered to comb through all the past threads for previous ramble links.

I feel absolutely pathetic for paying money to a multi-millionaire who’s already raking in close to $100K per month.


I wonder if Jenny ever donates to charity. She’s so kind but I think she’s got a pull yourself up by your bootstraps mentality.


She’s a bleeding heart liberal from the Bay Area in California; they don’t tip and they don’t give to charities, but they think the rest of the world should be using their money for that. Remember this is the same person who criticized people collecting toys and stated that they should be donating it to hurricane Katrina instead.


>She’s so kind
source? she's also famous due to her ability to be more cruel than anyone would expect from how she looks and sounds, and has been accused of being that way to people irl not just as a plinkett persona


She has kind eyes. Eyes are the window into the soul.


the only point in giving the generals a theme is to give people something to talk about on the slow days. this one happens to be ai jenny
this was 20 years ago?


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Kind eyes…

Yes, this was when she was in school bitching at people on her message boards


^^^ pov: you end up video chatting with jenny at last
>you should just fucking kill yourself anon
>no one loves you
>no one will miss you
>just kill yourself already
>do it


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Jenny deserves every cent you can give her!

She was just tweeting about buying presents for a charity last month. You've heard her complain about taxes before, she probably donates more than most people earn in a year to take the edge off.

>non-verbal Jenny will never hold you down and "love" you
I swear to GOD, reasons to live never stop dwindling…


>green eye/greenish-blue outer with hazel shit in the middle eye
one job


New Goosebumps, fools.


Real fans watched this live when she streamed it!


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That was a random brainfart from the AI, I didn't even try and gen that one.

Perfectly timed! I had just forgotten she does that.


Hi, does anyone have the link to "March Ramble: That Time I Went To Japan"? Thank you!


Here you go (decode with Base64 - Google that if you don't know what it is)!


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After rewatching that old ramble I went through a couple of older vids and watched this ASMR video, I noticed she didn't flip the stereo audio channels, so here's a fixed version (I also compressed the audio a smidge more).

She should actually revisit "not doing" ASMR again…


Thank you, stranger!!!!! : )


I hope Jenny had a wonderful first week of 2025!


That depends entirely on whether her house is on fire right now


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>got shushed
>extorted by big used-postcard
>drank a staple
>found out she eats brunost cheese kinda strangely
Sounds like she had a bit of a rough week, actually.


Sometimes a fresh start is what you need. She could get a whole new pony collection.


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'most replayed'


Can't imagine why!


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You will never win Jenny's heart by winning her a big frog from the claw machine


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Man, she still lives the carefree life of a teenager… lucky girl! You'd need to win a very precise plush to win her heart though.



If you guys want to have conversations about AI Jenny because the real girl isn't doing anything, all the more reason to have its own thread.

What did AI Jenny do today?

Why she was prepped for the moon landing mission she's going on, here's a pic

Why she single handedly helped a beached whale back into the ocean, he's a pic

Why she rode her new horse topless through candyland, here's a pic

You can have your AI Jennys have a walk-off in your favorite outfits and run a poll to see who wins!

None of that needs to be in the primary thread about the real one. If Jenny does nothing for a week, there should be a 3 comments about Jenny not doing anything.

The rest of the comments can be about AI Jenny in it's own thread.


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You can go through this very thread and see me not even acknowledge them most of the time, they're just an image to accompany my post, nothing more. You might need to get back on those meds, Anon. You're losing it!


Missing out on goth high school Jenny gf, I'd lose it too. Oh wait. God why have you forsaken me?!


california's on fire and jenny has asthma


Makes me wonder how much insurance she pays for the warehouses she rents out to store all her pop culture garbage.


jenny looking like a fatty-fat fat PIG in these


If she has fire insurance she's about to triple her net worth though!


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Thankfully, the fire is politely staying away from her so hopefully the smoke is doing the same!


Emphasis on IF. A lot of insurance agencies have been cancelling their fire insurance. Too much dry wood & brush that the state doesn't manage, along with a severe lack of rain is a good indicator that the company would go out of business if you don't cut the fire insurance


The fires are because Jenny’s so hot!


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I thought Bailey moved out of Hollywood… or did she just move to different part of the ghetto?


She's a Valley girl now so no longer in Hollywood but remember, most of LA is on fire and the air is pretty bad everywhere (except in Anaheim which works out great for Jenny!)

And don't forget, Jenny's not the only one with asthma, Bailey has it too!


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Naughty girl always has porn on the mind…


Did Jenny’s mansion burn down?


If the fires affected her negatively in any way you would have heard about it by now, she's not one to suffer in silence!


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>except in Anaheim which works out great for Jenny!
Jenny gets that rich people Air, huh? I'm sure glad all the poors surrounding her are filtering the smoke with their lungs and property!

To answer her question, it's because of the style of artwork he specifically chose; like some early CG, that "digital illustration" style tends to look "erotic" even when it's not meaning to. It's just the way it's drawn/rendered. The internet is mostly porn, but if he chose a different style of art he could've easily dialed it back to something much less "porny".

I wonder which plush would she save during an evacuation? The Bubsys?


I'd say tweet this to her but she doesn't seem to get riled up these days


i think the greater area is experiencing air quality from the smoke.
if jenny had massive breasts irl would you like her more or less. i think it might make her too cocky.


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Honestly, I'm glad nobody tweets Jenny any AI pics of her. She doesn't need that in her life.

If Jenny were a bustier lass she probably would've been snagged in high school and we'd never have known she existed, so we're lucky she was a bit of an ugly duckling in high school… the world would be pretty grim place without her cuteness.


>She doesn't need that in her life.
Yeah, God forbid Jenny should have any interactions with her fans. God forbid she get a kick of people making oc of her lazy ass while she does fuck all off the free cash she gets off of Patreon.


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she not getting any main channel videos done for 2025 big surprise


Jenny should just make a video dressing up as a bunch of different Barbies. 30 million views easy.


She should literally make anything, period. Like she said she was going to. ANYTHING. I'd commit war crimes for just another furry fish video.


she should do a happening video where she walks around the fires and stands in the charred ruins


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God, I wish she would.


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LoRa: spoiled gnome


would unironically be hilarious

>tfw will never molest jenny through her skintight uniform


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>this gen
Not what I was going for, but I like it!

Isn't that what she was already doing? There were a few different Barbie looks in the bits of footage she released so far.

This is so tasteless… I bet she could get away with it.


>>this gen
Almost gives some Cyberpunk vibes. And once again reminds me that I'm in the wrong timeline.


So I was watching an old ramble the other day (Making a Halloween Costume - one of my favorites) and she mentioned making a Descendents video she wanted to do the next month, I was excited for a brief second before realizing that was coming up on 7 years ago now… it's pretty amazing the growth from that era to the current with a dwindling almost non-existent video output (outside of her rambles). Two videos in 27 months, but a ridiculous number of subs. It's nuts! I hope she appreciates that level of support.


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Jenny goes Hollywood


I believe these are fakes.


Looks real to me.


Before she retires, I hope we get at least one (real!) pic where she's all glam'd up with no silly accessories or other children's products on or around her… just a nice picture of adult Jennifer looking sweet and classy!


Ai like the thread title says.


Nah bro it's totally real, those were taken at the fundraising event she held for the victims of the fire. All the cool people were there. Didn't you get a ticket? Shame.


Don’t worry, I took the pics.


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that would literally - literally - destroy the entire edifice around which we are here, to which millions have subscribed and thousands paypigged.
it would be like the end of scary movie.

Luckily we don't have to worry, because we've seen her try to dress more adult (vegas) and it looked like 7 year old got into moms dresser


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This is also what her make up and look has turned into. I can’t find the photo but there’s also one of her and Ellis in a movie or a show and she’s got her hair slicked down with super dark lipstick against her pale skin. Probably trying to look like Ellis thinking that that’s what a grown-up looks like, but it just looks terrible.


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A woman of the people.


hair looking almost as dirty as in real life


Could you imagine if she was forced to do one honest day's work for once in her life?

That's not nice, Bailey.


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>it looked like 7 year old got into moms dresser
Jenny would be in such a huff if she ever read this… it's so mean!


what could have been the thought process behind the strands?


oh i just realized it's an attempt to hide her forehead a bit when hat option was not available
but i thought the crinkles were fixed?


I'm kind of surprised that Jenny hasn't commented about TikTok blocking access to the US yesterday. That seemed to be her "doomscroll" of choice these days. Anyway, hopefully she can get a bit more work done now with one less app to occupy her time.

That hasn't really been a problem for her since she grew out of her baby fat.


Jenny and Bailey went out and didn't share a pic. Are they mad at us?


>dont post it baily, it will only fuel ai jenny, my rival for the affection of the badcars


Went out where? Cali's on fire.

We're so close to being able for AI Jenny to make videos, it hurts.


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Bailey likely didn't match Jenny's cute energy and made every pic depressing to look at.

>We're so close to being able for AI Jenny to make videos, it hurts
I'm still waiting for Hunyuan to release local I2V support. Should be fun!


> Went out where? Cali's on fire.

The went to see The Wolfman together. Admittedly not as exciting as them hitting the beach together but still, used to be we at least got some selfies out of it. Now we just get tweets…


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i know no one agrees with me but there's just some jenny energy to this taylor lorenz goof - i mean, covid masking in 2025? - but the way she takes herself seriously and has a kind of fame but is also a retard so people openly talk about her as pitiable… it feel like reading posts on this site


>no one agrees with me
It's more likely than you think. Almost nobody here is going to disagree about Jenny having dumb baby-brained takes. All the smarts in the family seems to have gone to Sky instead, for better or worse.


You’re the one who is brain dead


Calm down Bailey I'm not talking about you.


Is Jenny actually a virgin at her age? I assumed she'd dated at least a couple guys in her lifetime and maybe tried out sex acts during her WiM cons phase


Do you think that jenny is currently
a) despondent about the direction of society because trump won the popular vote and is vigorously sweeping away all the gains in rights for poor little transppl, ended stuff like affirmative actions for blackppl, to rapturous applause
b) comfy in her zone because caring about that stuff was always just a social activity and its gone out of fashion anyway
c) happy because she's secretly conservative
d) other?


B. I don't think she cares that much and as long as Trump leaves the theme park industry alone, you're not going to see her be all political


the things griffin said were weird and vague, the general accepted theory about what he meant though, was that jenny didnt let him touch her.
scared that google might take away whatever special privilege she, ellis, hbomb and others were given by youtube staff.


>scared that google might take away whatever special privilege she, ellis, hbomb and others were given by youtube staff.

Jenny's vids aren't political at all, IDK why the site taking a more conservative tilt would impact her at all.

And frankly I doubt she's big enough to get special attention anyway. Hasn't she had to publicly whine about demonetization a couple times to get it fixed? That doesn't sound like someone who has a special back channel to YouTube staff.


the back channel would be kat lo (most likely) and the privilege would be immunity to the algorithm. every video jenny and the other makes is treated like its viral. you saw the same thing done with late night talk shows and mainstream news back around 2020.
seems like whatever line of code was added to them was given to this very specific clique of creators too.


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Do you think it would be strange if she was? There are a few videos where she touches on sex and relationships and a couple of telling moments during her streams where you can see that at the very least, she's inexperienced when it comes to that stuff (like her cartoon-ish view of men and how she imagines them treating a woman). Also, her family seems super-religious (at least from some ancient anecdotes about them) and she was brought up Episcopalian, so there might also be some deep-seeded "faith" aspect to her mostly asexual public-facing persona.

This is the year of the boyfriend reveal though, so everything might change!

I can't see her really caring about or engaging with current politics, even though it's basically tee-ball at this point if you want to craft a zinger. The anti-trans stuff probably pisses her off royally, but I seriously doubt she's gonna say anything publicly.


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Hmm… why did I generate such an infuriating image? I'm going to bed.


>>32908Hey anon, is… is that you? Did you just show us your AI rendered fantasy?


>I can't see her really caring about or engaging with current politics, even though it's basically tee-ball at this point if you want to craft a zinger.
So like why not when she used to? what's changed for her, other than finding out that like 75 percent of people actually are sick of this trans shit and its not the other way around like online dorks might think. Is it that?


he looks about 20
way too old for her


haha this one owns both us and her.
perhaps she and we will bond over this shared suffering


I don't think she is that oblivious. She is just talking in archetypes. Just because Griff got nowhere I don't think she never had sex.


No… I just tried to prompt for the kinda ungrateful deadbeat Jenny is likely to fall for, one of those drug-addled/alcoholic, bad boy "projects" and placed them in their natural habitat (a gas station in the middle of the night).

TikTok's age gap hysteria probably ruined her dream of picking up a cute middle school boy.


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Sarah is making Jenny look bad by having a fundraiser for trans people even though she’s Canadian. Meanwhile Jenny has a trans sibling and just couldn’t be bothered!


Wow that list has all of Jenny's Youtube friends but no Jenny!


Sorry guys, Sky talked Jenny into joining Team Trump.


>todd in the shadows
i hate how this fuck is roped into everything they do because he sucked lindsay ellis's beef curtains 20 years ago.


Is it just Nitter, or has Jenny been MIA all this week?

I hope Jenny wasn't outed as a chud!

All Breadtube things go through Lindsay's pussy.


Less than a week until the next ramble! I’m so excited to see a new Jenny video!


>Is it just Nitter, or has Jenny been MIA all this week?
Well she dipped her toe into the Bluesky pool this week, clearly testing the waters on whether it's time to make a move to a different platform


she wont, small audience platforms are too personal for her. one person commenting under every post is one thing, but when its the only person commenting its like a forced interaction.


Yeah she literally only got hundreds of likes. Which is a lot on Bluesky but basically a slap in the face for Jenny who needs thousands of likes on every post


"Jenny breaks down her top and bottom media (movies, TV, books, youtubes) moments of 2024" with 1,646 votes. Shouldn't be too shoddy. I can't think of a single bad option this vote. "Jenny predicts the future of Disney parks in 10 years" was second place with 1,307 votes and "12-Step Plan To Change Careers And Become A Sketchy Theme Park Owner" was third with 1,198.


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>dipped her toe into the Bluesky pool this week
I really didn't think she'd ever bother, figured it would be way too much work for her to rebuild over there.

>Jenny breaks down her top and bottom media (movies, TV, books, youtubes) moments of 2024"
Sounds like that could be fun.


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>Jenny currently dunking on Euros and their fear of being hydrated
That's my girl!


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Jenny probably tests the limit of Disneyland's dress code…she just doesn't upload the pics.


Sauce plz



Why is she in an oven


We’re getting close to the next ramble! I’m sure she won’t be late with any of them in 2025!


I just wish she'd remember her promise to upload regular, smaller videos on her main channel. Sucks that she's such an entitled little liar.


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Realistically, what would she make short videos about? Her 'tism is driving the "definitive-type" content on her main channel thanks to the research aspect of creating them, and doing two rambles a month nearly kills her and is simply too much (as she likes to say). Even the zero-effort (no writing, editing, prep, etc) streaming got to be too much for her, I just don't think you can get any sort of content regularity out of her.


ASMR content is very easy and we already know she’s good at it, do that on a secondary channel 3-4 times a week for big bucks


>for big bucks
did you forget who we're talking about?


Serious, what is the source of this? I assume a deepfake?


fingers and toes dude, its clearly ai


Looks like either young Brooke Shields or Jennifer Connelly.


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>3-4 times a week
You horrible, horrible slave driver!

But, maybe Jenny can do some of her standup for us?


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I have no idea who this is but I instantly thought of Jenny. This is it, guys. This is her in like five years. Prepare yourselves.

Why not both?


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Sometimes old school art is the way to go


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Beerfrau Jenny from that set is pretty great but my favorite remains mermaid Jenny.


Do you think she only transformed when she hit the water or is this a way to keep her alive until her owner/caretaker can find a pool or zoo aquarium to dump her into?



IDK if the artist of these ever identified himself, but it looks a lot like tittydispenser:

https://www.reddit.com/user/titty_dispenser/submitted (NSFW link obviously)

I would love to see some Jenny AI pics/vids of weird shit like this. (I'd settle for Bailey / Sarah too I guess.)

I'd try it myself but my PC is shit and the one time I tried out AI image generation it tried to kill itself.



I'm guessing the latter… but this makes me wonder, do mermaids actually die outside of the water? Does the upper human half have functional lungs?


>IDK if the artist of these ever identified himself, but it looks a lot like tittydispenser
Yeah that sounds right. I don't remember the artists but I remember it wasn't one of the Badcars who drew them, it was one of our anons who commissioned them


Now I’m tempted to get some art commissioned.

What would fellow badcars like to see?


Somebody find a scholar to weigh in on these important mermaid lore questions.

Jenny and Bailey doing things together. Lewd things. Dressed in skirts and frilly blouses.


>Jenny and Bailey doing things together
Seconded, would love to see the girls engaged in some light BDSM. But who will be spanking who?


Okay, this is a little fucked up, but I want a commission of a healthy traditional Christmas portrait of the Nicholson family where Sky is a married man with kids while Jenny is married to Max and expecting.


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I know this makes me a horrible person, but dolcett stuff or more transformation art of Jenny would be fantasic. Has no one drawn her as a Disney exhibit, animatronic or part of a ride?

Also it looks like tittydispenser does these sex inspection profile things, like from an alternate reality where all women are slaves. I wouldn't mind one of these of Jenny, Bailey, Mary Kish or Lucy James


If we could chill on the cannibalism stuff, we don't need to slide that low.


You sick fuck!




Mary Kish is an angel don’t use AI dark magic on her


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AI can only imagine what is tangible.


my thicc lil angle


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Is this true? My crush from 30 years ago is the jennie?


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That's not the only rat she has a likeness with. Maybe this has some kind of explanation for how much of a rat liar she is.


It's the 30th. $5 says she's late.



I agree we should back off on cannibalism fetish stuff.

But I'd still love to see more permanent TF art of Jenny, ie of her converted to a ponygirl or a hucow, or an inanimate object.

Something dehumanizing that isn't so grim like other posts.


>I agree we should back off on cannibalism fetish stuff.
Yeah I'd love to eat Jenny but not like that!


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Ponygirl or….ponygirl?

And by “hucow” do you mean with hooves and udders? I can see her looking cute as part of a Youtuber farm or petting zoo, or still fully human but just forced to dress like a Playboy bunny but lactation/cow themed.


She’s probably just putting the finishing touches on it…she wouldn’t let us down…not again.


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Uh huh, totally. I bet it'll be out by the end of today!


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Jenny's name getting tossed around everywhere online again after Disney hammered the final nail into the Galactic Starcruiser this week.

She's very busy!


>Jenny's name getting tossed around everywhere online again
I am pretty sure 90% of her current fanbase literally only know her from the Starcruiser video


Last day of the month. SURELY today it'll happen.


Today’s the day!!! Everyone doubting her will feel so foolish.


Looks like she actually managed to post it before February, quite surprising!


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Technically out but still no Youtube link just yet.


Action Park’s been discussed to death. Every big theme park YouTuber did a video at least 10 years ago and the HBO documentary said everything that needs to be said.

Roadside attractions sounds fun, Spiderquest is still one of my favorite videos.


Can I get a link friends :)


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Woah, what's going on here? Someone's got a big night planned!



For someone with such small breasts, I'm always impressed with how well Bailey uses them.


Bailey needs to cover them up and keep some of the mystery, that’s how she can get a real man. Use that charm and winning personality instead!!


She'd be able to get a real man if she'd stop being Mike's eternal side girl. And marry me, of course.


Still waiting on the Youtube link to drop, apparently it's "under dispute".


>jenny reviews super nintendo world
didnt she do that? or did she just go and never comment on it. i thought she talked about it


Small? They look pretty meaty to me.

What are the best Bailey tit shots out there?


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Photos in this top are pretty great, sadly it has Mike in it…


For a moment there I legit thought that was JSchlatt. I was gonna lose it.


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>No Filter
And yet…
(For the record, in case Bailey reads this, I'm not saying there's a filter because she looks *good*. Just 'edited'.)



What's a "mike"?

Anyway, she passes the pencil test, so she's fine (not that there's anything wrong with A cups or beestings, either)


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Mike is her shitty on again off again boyfriend of sorts. IDK, their relationship confuses me. He doesn't even seem that into her but she was completely devastated for months after he ended their relationship for unspecified reasons. And now he's back with her


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Yeah, you’d think she could have the pick of almost any guy in LA.


If Leo DiCaprio has proven anything it's that dudes in LA don't date women over 25. I mean if Jenny of all people is still single, what hope does any gal have?



He seems like a pretty average looking guy - is he rich at leat?


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I don't know, he's supposed to be an IT guy but as far as anyone knows his only job seems to be managing the Burgundy Room dive bar where the main job perk seems to be fucking the hot goth bartender Bailey used to be friends with

If Instagram follows are anything to go by, Bailey has forgiven Mike but is still mad at Taylor


Oh that is hilarious, how did I miss that lore? Somebody throw that on the wiki.


Two days later and she still hasn't made a Youtube link available. 100% she's doing it because of us. RECOGNIZE US, JEN. YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO.


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Stop being such a slave driver anon! She had to finish making her victreebel bag by hand, there was no time for dealing with Youtube!


>I mean if Jenny of all people is still single, what hope does any gal have?
Remember, the big boyfriend reveal is this year!

Love the lore dump.

Oh my God, those curves! Also, making that bag could've been a video, Jen… I love that ramble where you make that Snoke costume.


Her bra stuffing gets ridiculous at times.


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Add breast expansion/lactation to the list of transformation art I’d like to see more of with Jenny.


Mean mean mean Jenny is gonna make me sub to the Patreon just to get this month’s ramble


We all know how stingy she is with her content and how cheap when it doesn't concern ebay plushies or theme park vacations. She's going to milk that $2 out of every poor sap she can!


Two posts left to the thread. Somebody's gonna have to pass the hot potato.


Be sure to share on Kemono kind anon!


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