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A Bailey is fine, too.
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 No.28445[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

A Newfound Confidence Edition.

With at least three videos promised (the upcoming ramble, her Evermore revisit and the long awaited Galactic Starcruiser review) and the recent "barrage" of selfies, what more will Jenny deliver in the upcoming months?
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Imagine my disgust upon checking the Patreon and seeing how close we are to another god damn Evermore video. What is wrong with these people.


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>It's really good, except for the eyes, the chin and the weird doorknob thing
Why are you so hard to please!?

I hope Jenny's home now to cut them off at the pass.


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Friday night cute Jennys! post your cutest Jennys!


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Cute Jenny!


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Jenny a cute! We all need to remember

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 No.27875[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

She Sees You Edition

Um, cuz, like, that'd be totally rude to the other guests trying to enjoy the extravaganza?? Stressing her out like that, gee wiz.

Friendly reminder, anyone can start a new thread once one caps at 500.
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That's actually a pretty short skirt & she wore it correctly instead of pulling it up to her boobs.

Is Jenny's OBGYN a lesbian woman or old guy and which plushe does she take to hug when she has to spread em for the doc?


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I wonder which Squishmallow ouradultwoman decided to bring to the theater with her?

Maybe the medication is finally starting to work on her anxiety.


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Dumb baby doing dumb baby stuff again.

> Pay attention to me! Pay attention to me!


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Jenny always has my attention! Anyway, she knows why people are bookmarking that… she's just "playing" dumb.


>she knows why people are bookmarking that
Does she? Because I'm not even sure I know. There's no picture! I know foot freaks are weird but are they literally getting off to a description of her taking glass out of her foot??

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 No.27261[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Bailey's Doing Something Edition

Look at Bailey. She's doing something.
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Also, she almost flippin' died. Tragedy averted but for how long?


all this footage is a mix of people with cameras out and people looking annoyed about being filmed.


There she goes; Daddys little simpleton.


does not bode well for her upcoming eurotrip. more judgy germans ready to yell at our sweet princess and who knows what kind of death traps count as "safe automatic doors" there.


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You know what would've been even better? If somebody was recording her so we could see her get smooshed in the door… put your worthless sister on camera duty, Jen!

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 No.26668[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Jenny seems to have some animosity to hot girls. On the other hand she doesn't look the way she does by accident, do you think she considers herself hot?

Also, banned Millenial Falcon video here: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5xavt5
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Some video game guy just won his libel case against two nerd industry entryist sluts who popped off on their twitters saying he was creepy to them which resulted in
> A seven-figure payment
from them to him. hey… Vito… remember what she done…!

also you gotta laugh at Max landis for thinking he could squiggle out of his metoo by just being "charistmatic".


I remember from her tumblr she was riding that bandwagon back when it was popular, I'm surprised to hear it in 2023 though. Its more of a 2009 thing.


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Jenny said she was raised Episcopalian. They're mostly kinda religious, but not really. One side of her family (I'm assuming her dad's) sound like real freakshows about it though. She probably stopped practicing around the same time her brother discovered he was gay, because that's an event that's gonna create a lot of issues for her family in religious communities (it's still seems very scandalous despite the mundanity).


they'd already had bigger scandals than that


Bubsy wasn't very fun, but it wasn't scandalous…

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 No.26134[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

New Year's Resolutions Edition

Where's Jenny's?
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So that is why she streamed Warhammer: Vermintide (or the sequel). Now I understand.


Thank you for the ramble link. I appreciate it.


Does anyone have a mirror link to that screenjunkies video?


That link was posted on the board a little while back, not too long ago. Don’t have it on hand at the moment, but here’s the opposite end of it with the girl that was pissed off at Jenny.




I can't believe how obsessed she still is with the fucking algorithm that shes naming her 1 million subscriber McDonald's tree Algorithm. She doesn't need the algorithm's help when she has 1000s of simps. Excuse after excuse after Excuse to withhold content for any fucking reason.

Looking cute though.

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 No.25607[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Jenny is at home in silence, no tweets for days.
what will her opinion on willow be? what old toys will she bring home with her? Now that she has 17,000 patrons and earns around 620,000 a year she is officially a member of the 1%, the super elite. how will her fortune change her? find out all the answers, only on badcars
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Well to be clear, that's starting from her first video that got somewhat popular, which didn't come out until May of that year, so almost half the year was gone before she started releasing videos regularly.


why are you like this? get a hobby


So what was the final winning topic this month?

I think Jenny might be creatively spent. She lost that ability to really condense her thoughts down in an informative and entertaining way. All her videos going forward will probably all be multi-hour slogs.


Its easier and less creativity tiring to talk about one thing for 3 hours than 6 things for 30 minutes. Plus it’s good for the algorithm.

It’s wild that she just skipped past holiday themed tweets for thanksgiving, Christmas and new years. I think she’s just done using twitter to create a bond with her fans because she’s hit whatever $ amount she wanted for Patreon.

She doesn’t even promote her rambles anymore on twitter.


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More JV booba; shame about the over plastic-ed face.

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 No.25083[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Business Sense Edition

Just how does she do it?

This is mean-spirited. The issue here is how much time she put into public attention. Jenny had a very long period of time where she was putting things out there on Youtube, it established a presence that got people to doggedly follow her into smaller venues and millions of views when she ended up putting anything out. Bailey spent two years of basically doing the one single thing, ten videos of it a year with almost no variation. Goosedrunks is fine but it's all one-note. She didn't parade content like Jenny/Ellis/Contra/whoever else did over 10+years. It's a bit silly to thinking you can just be a heavy hitter in fraction of others' time. Even with all the work she does put into things, it's still a fraction. I'd recommend that she do more with her Youtube channel, putting out more variety like finish her Pokemon runs at the very least, do some collabs. Even when Jenny streamed, she needed her sister with her to keep things interesting. Bailey alone, I dunno, she's fine, and it's nice that she tries to play with her viewers as much as she does. Do more of that? Try playing with somebody else? Patreon is like a college degree, it's not like there was ever a guarantee you'd walk out of it with a shit ton of cash. Alternatively, maybe this is the point she should find a husband to settle down with and have some kids.
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>she hasn't posted,
she liked a tweet trashing tesla. shes not wrong, I just wish every opinion she has didnt HAVE to align with whatever messaging the tribalists are pushing today.


> Who even clicks on an 8hr video, honestly?
I admit, I watched a few. Recordings of two guys playing point-and-click adventure games, about 8hrs at a time, getting progressively more drunk and driven crazy by the game and their fanatic twitch and discord followers.
Not in one go, but it was a comfy background noise while doing chores around the house.

> What an awful day to be able to read English

Indeed. I was expecting a reference to her Evan Hansen outfit. I was not ready for THAT degeneracy.


Jenny said something that led me to believe she was super hyped for the new Willow show with warwick. It starts airing today so we might get a tweet thread about it from her.. maybe
weird, the article i read says today but the internet says the 30th. either way its something to look forward to.


One more post for the thread. Who gets to make the next one, I wonder.


are you guy making fun of me or her? I don't care who they cast I'm only acknowledging the obvious intention of her post. If you don't see it I wonder if you've seen any of her other posts or are familiar with her at all. make an account and ask her if that's what she meant, she won't be shy about it

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 No.24545[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Jenny's Creepy Doll Room Edition

>we just need some of your life force, anon
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she just streams normie woman games. If she played the kind of games markipliar and cory kenshin play she would probably get more views.


>got to the same school as someone with the one in a million x factor
>get spillover views due to herd-dodgers ('jenny is too easy to like') within a fanbase
>actually not realize those people are still jenny's fans not yours
>association with x factor person fades but put in 'hard work' (the labour theory of value fukn lmao)
>views go down


who was this again? facewise this looks like a porn industry person, is that the case?


Patreon failing? Jenny can't relate.


God I wish! But no, just a wannabe actress LA girl who is currently a DJ/bartender at the same bar Bailey works at sometimes

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 No.24033[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What is the secret of her power? How does she manage to have a waist like this when her diet should have her looking like the girl next to her? No theory too insane!
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I can't believe Jenny wasn't arrested for covering up her foot like that.


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>when you make fun of the star wars movies and jenny gets revenge by locking you in her mom's doll room
Poor Bailey.


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i could be remembering wrong but i think jenny described it as "a relatives" creepy doll room. i guess she was embarrassed about making fun of her mom.


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<Anon! Just say "It's salt." is a better line than "May the Force be with you." and you won't have to look at her anymore.


> No, you’re right. the wall paper is too old to be her parents house, maybe this is her grandparents but I think the room is her Aunts.

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 No.23490[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Jenny visits a slew of foreign theme parks, and breaks her selfie drought by posting a handful of cute selfies. Although a video about her trip is planned, only time will tell if we actually get to see jenny climbing across a tightrope in live action.
will jenny salvage her bad patreon topic and release a good monthly video? lets see.
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Imagine the view.


>Which fandom video did you get this from?
This is from the latest She-Hulk review video, came out yesterday


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No one talks about the time giantess Jenny terrorized a small village


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Giant Jenny loves her skirts and short dresses … and so does everyone else!

No one talks about it because she left the scene with no survivors!


her body and visage are so strange, and so alluring. but the strangeness is getting to me now. in the most zoomed out pic here, my mind is trying to wrap around how her body works, since its somehow unlike what my unconscious expects to see. In the past viewing this picture and feeling that effect I simply said to myself 'that's why she's special' but these are more cynical times. I look at the boobs and I start to get reminded of the brother's boobs. There's an unnaturalness. Something about the shape calls up the sense of man-made materials, construction

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